Hair Care

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hairs

Coconut oil is very popular, preferred and used as hair oil all over the globe. Coconut oil is an effective hair enhancing natural ingredient that has been used for ages and you must learn the benefits of it. Everybody knows that there are numerous benefits of coconut oil for hair. If you have virgin coconut oil then you don’t need anything its alone can replace commercial conditioners, styling products, hair toning, etc. This oil has been using since ancient times in India and many other countries for grooming hair to maintain its health.

Coconut oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, lauric acid and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that strengthen hair, condition the scalp, and help to regrow hair. It also has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties. I am sure all of you have been listening to our mothers and grandmothers praising the oil’s amazing benefits right from the time we were kids. Now, it’s time to replace the chemical-based and expensive hair products with coconut oil. Because it is really worth it.

Coconut Oil benefits for Hairs:

Coconut Oil for Hair Loss/Fall:

Hair fall is the most common problem nowadays that everyone is facing from child to youth. The primary cause of hair loss is protein deficiency and coconut oil refill this nutrient in the hairs. It also reduces hair breakages and split ends. Various homemade remedies are made using herbs and coconut oil. It is also very imp for hair softness and growth because of the presence of fatty acids, it makes your dry hairs soft and shiny.

Coconut Oil Reduces Hair Damages:

Hair damages occur due to many reasons, it may be because of chemical-based products, hot styling tools, bad diet, etc. Coconut oil protects your hair from pollution that causes damages. The essential nutrients that are present in oil including the lauric acid, has a high affinity for hair protein and penetrates the hair shaft improving the overall health of the hair.

Coconut Oil Prevent Split Ends:

The most common advice you can get from anyone having hairs with split ends is to cut them, but what if this problem appears on a small number of your hair strands. Then you can use coconut oil to treat this issue. Simply massage your hairs a night before hair wash with the mixture of coconut oil and almond or olive oil for a few minutes, this will going help you to minimise split ends.

Coconut Oil Detangle Hairs:

Use coconut oil as hair detangular, little amount of oil goes a long use, makes fizzy hair soft and smooth because of fatty acids and gives nourishment to hairs.

Coconut Oil act as Hair Conditioner:

It’s a great hair conditioner just use a tiny amount of coconut oil after shampoo and then wash it out. This is the best ideal substitute for a leave-in conditioner because of the presence of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and medium-chain fatty acids.

Coconut Oil used for Styling:

Coconut oil is best for hair styling agent because it melts on heating and condensed on cooling. It spreads evenly when you apply it on scalp due to heat. Later, when oils come in contact with hairs it condenses and works as hair styling cream or agent. Coconut Oil stays stick to the hair instead of evaporating, making it one of the most effective hair treatments.

Coconut Oil has Cooling Effects:

Coconut oil has amazing cooling effects on head and scalp. It can be so beneficial for those people who suffer from an excessive sweating problem on the scalp, by massaging coconut oil it will help with this problem. Coconut oil promotes scalp health and keeps your hair well nourished.

Coconut Oil Prevent Dandruff:

Coconut oil contains vitamin E and K and fatty acids these nutrients helps you keep your scalp clean, that’s why it is used for dandruff related problems. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property and is far better than any anti-dandruff shampoo. When mixed with lukewarm water, lemon and aloe Vera gel it can also be effective in treating dandruff. Massage the scalp and hair with this ideal mixture for better results.

Coconut Oil can be Used as Hair Sunscreen:

You can use coconut oil as a hair sunscreen because of natural vitamins present in it, they that acts as an SPF 10. It is also best-suited leave-in-conditioner.

Coconut Oil Protect from Lice:

Lice are very common and tiny pests found on the scalp of a head, they are so terrifying and can cause embarrassment for anyone. There are numerous products available in markets for protection of lice but they can also damage your scalp and head. Coconut oil promotes the scalp health to fight against many problems such as insect bites, lice and dandruff. Just coat wet hair with coconut oil and by using a fine comb you can remove the lice.

Coconut Oil Restore Moisture:

Coconut oil is best for dry hairs as it retains the moisture in your hairs and makes the hair soft and shiny. As it has moisture retain capacity so it can’t be easily evaporated from hairs and keeps it hydrated.

Coconut Oil can be Used as a Base for Hair Coloring:

Coconut oil can be used as base coloring your hair, if you use it as a medium for mixing of your own natural hair coloring it really excellent it because oil penetrates hair deeply faster than any other natural oil and helps you color save vibrant and from fading.

Coconut Oil for Dry Hairs:

It is the best oil for massaging scalp as it keeps your hairs moisturize and dehydrated. Coconut oil is an essential oil for hair growth and thickness because of the presence of fatty acids, it makes your dry hairs soft and shiny, prevents hair breakage and split ends.

Coconut Oil for Boils:

Coconut oil is soothing and relax. Some people experiencing boils on their scalp, this condition mainly occurs in winter or even in summers because of excessive sun exposer. Keep both the scalp and hair clean and massage with coconut oil for relief.

Coconut Oil for Grey Hair and Baldness:

Coconut oil has antioxidants property because of which it can reverse hair greying and, in some of the cases, even delay its onset. Genes and hormonal balance can cause baldness. Massaging coconut oil can help you with baldness too because it improves blood circulation and transfers nutrients to your hair. This stimulates helps you in hair growth and strengthens your tresses.


Oily scalp: After applying coconut oil you feel oiliness instead of shampooing your hairs it doesn’t remove easily and make you feel greasy. So try not to use too much of oil in one time.


Ways by Which you can Use Coconut Oil:

  1. Coconut oil + curry leaves: Add coconut oil and curry leaves then boil it after boiling pour it and apply on your scalp by massaging in circular motion. This strengthens your hair roots, our pores of scalp get close because of chemical products and pollution by which sense doesn’t get oxygen and your hair start breakage curry leaves open the pores by which hair loss reduces.
  2. Coconut oil + neem leaves: Mix coconut oil and neem leaves in a bowl, boil it and then apply it on your scalp. This is the best remedy for lice and it keeps you away from lice.
  3. Coconut oil + olive oil: Mix both the oil and apply it, it is the best remedy to treat boils, apply oil from root to end it reduces split ends.

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