Skin Care

Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin – A Simple Guide

Coconut oil is not only good for cooking but it also has numerous benefits for skin and hairs too. It has amazing benefits on the skin’s health. Coconut oil is an edible oil extracted from the kernel of matured coconuts harvested from the coconut palm.

Coconut oil has high saturated fat which is very good for health, it gives nourishment to the skin. It contains vitamins and fatty acids that are best for any skin care treatment. Coconut oil is very economical to use, if you have virgin coconut oil then you don’t need anything for health and skin like a moisturizer, lotion etc, it’s alone sufficient to replace all these things.

Coconut Oil Benefits for Skin and face:

Coconut Oil used as a Cleanser –

Coconut oil is used to clean pores deeply by maintaining skin cells, it keeps your skin healthy. It has antimicrobial properties which are very important for face cleaning, it also protects your skin from pimples.

Coconut Oil used to remove Dead Cells –

To remove dead skin cells you can use coconut oil either with sugar or salt by making the scrub, by using your hands in a lightly circular motion you can remove the dead skin easily, after removing dead skin cells it gives your face shine.

Coconut Oil used as Moisturizer, Body Lotion or Serum –

Coconut oil is best for dry skin, you can use it as a body lotion. You can use coconut oil in both summer and winter season, it keeps your skin moisturized during winter while protecting your skin from skin problems that occur during the heat.
Coconut oil can also be used as a hand moisturizer. If we wash our hands many times then oil that is present in our hands gone away and because of chemical that is present in hand wash your hands become dry and sometimes your skin also start pealing especially in winters causes more damage, in this case, if we apply coconut oil after washing hands then it moisturize your hands and also make it beautiful and soft.

Coconut Oil used as a Night Cream –

You can also use coconut oil as a night cream, after washing your face apply coconut oil on your face and leave it for a whole night. It reduces pigmentation, dark circles and blemishes and also protects your face from these problems.

Coconut Oil used in Makeup Removal –

Coconut oil helps to remove facial makeup. Apply it on the face and leave for 5-10 mins then remove the oil by cotton balls and wash your face by water.
Even waterproof mascara and eyeliner also removes easily by using coconut oil, leave your skin hydrated and moisturized.

[READ: How to Get Glowing Skin Naturally at Home]

Coconut Oil used in Skin Related Problems –

Many skin problems also occur in the rainy season like a fungal infection, pimples, etc because of coconut oil disinfectant and microbial property it keeps you safe from microbial infection and also helps to cure by applying it to wounds, it reduces pain, inflammation and helps you heal wounds faster. You can also use coconut oil for stretch marks.

Coconut Oil used to Repair your Damaged Feet –

It keeps you repair your damaged feet if you apply coconut oil on regular basis on your knees, feet, and legs then they don’t get dry.

Coconut Oil used as a Baby oil –

You can use coconut oil as a baby massage oil. Coconut oil can also be used on rashes.

Coconut Oil used for Skin Brightening and Lightening:

You can use coconut oil to brighten up your skin. Just add few drops of lemon juice with coconut oil if you have virgin coconut oil then it is the best, mix it well, apply it on your face and neck then wash and rinse your face with normal water and pat dry. You will see an instant glow on your face. It is the most common and best natural ingredient used for skin lightening and brightening.

Coconut Oil Benefits for Lips:

Coconut Oil used as a Lip Balm –

You can use Coconut oil as a lip balm. Some of the people have a habit of bitting there lips because of this lips get cuts and skin start pealing, some people also have rashes on the corner of lips so in this circumstances it is very effective and beneficial.


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